All the joys of the season!  They certainly make everything a challenge, but they somehow manage to do it while still being adorable.  One thing that has worked – at least part of the time – is telling Kia that there’s a tiny butterfly in the camera lens, and she needs to look for it.  Of course, the second obstacle with taking pictures is to get them to smile without looking angry, derpy, or borderline psychotic.  As a side note, Kia looked at this comic, and laughed at how Arwyn was looking at the camera in the one picture, but she was looking at something else, then in the last one, she’s looking at the camera, but Arwyn was distracted.  So, if any of you don’t get it, it’s not my fault!  😉

I’m wearing my Curiosity Christmas shirt (featuring the Mars rover, naturally), while Stacy and the girls are looking a little more on the elegant side, with a lacy-sleeved shirt for her, and Christmas dresses for them (which they love to wear).  Sorry, folks, this is about as elegant as I get.

Happy holidays to all!