All that I can really say is that I’m glad it wasn’t me she climbed up with – Stacy had to get up to take care of it all, while I snuggled up under the covers.  😀  It’s typically me that Arwyn goes to, though it’s typically an attempt to climb into bed with us, which we rarely buy into.  Cold?  I’ll tuck her in, and make sure she’s fully covered.  Thirsty?  Here’s a drink, get back to bed.  I’ll comfort her for bad dreams, but sometimes that seems like it’s an excuse, too – like she’s really stretching the “bad” part.  And the one time she goes all the way around to Stacy’s side?  Yeah, typical.

I’m wearing my “ugly Christmas sweater” style Godzilla shirt, with whom the girls are now familiar.  First time I wore it this year, they were asking about the “dinosaur,” so I showed them part of the original Godzilla movie, as well as an episode from each iteration of the cartoon (I hadn’t even realized that there was a second one).  Now they know.  😉  Anyway, Stacy’s still dressing nicer than me, with a blue-on-black ensemble, while Arwyn is rocking a red Minnie Mouse sweatshirt, with little ruffles on the shoulders.