The first rule of dance class is that we don’t talk about dance class.  Just kidding, but I’d be a proud papa if Kia ever spouts that one out at me.  😉  Anyway, both the girls are taking Irish step-dancing classes and loving it, but they have different nights, so it’s some one-on-one time, either way.  Also, this is proof that I do drive, it’s just usually when Stacy’s not with me.  And, yes, the odds are very good that I will be fired on any given day.

I’m wearing my Firefly sweater, which does indeed allow me to navigate traffic like a leaf on the wind.  It’s a crazy-warm sweater.  Kia’s buckled up in the back, all winter coated and stuff.  For those wondering, yes, that IS a magnificently-drawn car seat, thank you.