Instant friends for life, as is the usual for my two.  They paired off for a little while, but spent most of the time playing as a quartet.  Upstairs, downstairs, and all around.  The five year-old was a bundle of energy, but Arwyn seemed to enjoy that about her.  I’m told that the little one woke up after bedtime that night and said that she missed her new friends.  It made the girls’ day when I told them that.  🙂  Definitely looking forward to getting back together with them again.

I’m wearing a new Firefly shirt with the quote “We live in a spaceship, dear.”  I wish, but hey.  😛  Stacy’s wearing her Celtic knotwork Mjolnir, while Kia’s rockin’ the blue plaid and Arwyn’s reminds us that there are “Good things ahead” in shiny, sequiny glory.  One of those good things happens to be her ninth birthday, which is today!  (The day I’m posting this – I have no idea what day you’re reading this on.)