Full credit to them that it’s held up to some of the high winds we’ve had come through, and if they packed some snow on top of it, it might actually be a decent shelter, but they need to stick (pun intended) to approved material resources.  At least they didn’t use any of the bigger logs – and I would’ve been impressed if they’d been able to move those – and the place they built it was basically just weeds, anyway.  I will note, however, that their desire to live on the frontier hits an abrupt end when they need to use the bathroom.  😛

I’m wearing one of my Nature Force wolf shirts, which represents another reason to pass on sleeping out there, I guess.  The girls are still resisting the notion that Christmas is long-since over, with them each wearing a Christmas hoodie; Kia’s features a penguin and Arwyn’s has a bear.  At least the warmth makes sense for the recent weather.