I had to make sure that I got one last pregnancy joke in, since (as mentioned) we’re not going through this insanity again.  We’re following the Noah’s Ark mentality (only two, only two!).  Why can’t I do any more pregnancy jokes except in the past-tense?  Because she’s not pregnant anymore!  Yup, that’s right, Arwyn joined us on the outside of the womb this past Tuesday, February 11, 2014.  Yay!  Want to see a picture of her?  Well, there’s lots on my and Stacy’s Facebooks, of course, or you can just go vote for the comic down below!

My shirt says “in-ter-es-ting  (in’tri-sting) adj. 1. capable of holding one’s attention.  2. arousing a feeling of interest.  3. oh God, oh God, we’re all going to die.”  and can be purchased on thinkgeek.com which is one of the best sites on the net.  Stacy’s wearing a Woodward Dream Cruise shirt for the 2011 year (she’s got a few different years).  Does she like cars?  Yes, actually, she does, but more importantly, it’s purple.  The non-purple ones don’t get worn very much.