Yeah, so as we head into our first snowpocalypse of 2024, some people are worried about the roads, some are worried about supplies, some… are just wondering why there’s not already more on the ground.  Eight inches?  Bring it!  Says Arwyn, not me.  I’m saying “no thanks,” but at least it’s coming on a weekend.  If nothing else, it’s got the girls very excited for playing in the snow Saturday.

My sweatshirt says “FA-THOR, like a dad, but mightier.”  That may sounded arrogant, for which I’m very Thorry.  (I absolutely do not apologize for that pun, however.)  The girls are in matching shirts that they got for Christmas, with Kia having blue (unsurprisingly) and Arwyn having burgundy (because no purple, though she does like it).  They like wearing them at the same time so that they match.