It was a really fun time for both the kids and the adults, as many of the guests were friends to us separately, so it was good to see a lot of them.  The girls, of course, were instantly friends with all the other kids, and had a blast.  The 3D movie was an amusing run through the planets of our solar system through the eyes of an alien family, but some of the “flying through and around obstacles” parts made even my head go fuzzy, and I’m not prone to motion sickness.  Some people tapped out after the movie and passed on the follow-up.  ;P

My shirt clearly states that “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, they’ll train you.”  This goes for both my job and my family, as it happens.  Stacy’s wearing her Scooby-Doo 50th Anniversary shirt, Kia’s says “Dream Often” and Arwyn’s declares “I rock this princess life.”  Because she does, obviously.  😉