Yay, snow.  Whee.  😛  At least the girls had a great time with the snow in the backyard.  Kia’s a little disappointed that her snowgirl fell over, and she wants to know why the squirrels didn’t protect it.  I told her it was because it was too close to the feeder and they thought it was trying to steal their nuts.  ;P  Anyway, I’m ready for spring, now.

The girls are wearing their new, fuzzy pajamas (because that’s what you wear after a hard day of snowfort construction!), with Arwyn’s featuring a sleepy-cat face.  Kia’s has a sloth-face on the front pocket/pouch, but you can’t really see that.  It’s really there; trust me.  And Stacy is wearing her beautifully designed Celtic knotwork Mjolnir design, because Thor approves this message.