Even gloved, her fingers were cold, but our little drama queen likes to make it sound waaaay worse than it is.  Even with the cold, it was an enjoyable trip around the zoo, plus we got to learn a few things about the animals.  Could’ve done without the wind, but otherwise a good time.  And, yes, momma rhino paraded her son out to us when she heard us talking, did a few laps to show him off, then went back inside.  She’s a proud momma.  Also, while it was a bigger deal to me than the girls, the wolves were out and active, which was also fantastic!  😀

Speaking of wolves, my shirt has a trio of them (as does the zoo), who are also standing in a wintery landscape.  Is it too early for Christmas?  It absolutely is, but it’s not too early for otters, as Stacy’s “All of the otter reindeer” shirt confirms.  As for the girls, they’re both wearing kitty-faces on their shirts, with Arwyn’s a sleepy cat, and Kia’s made out of a stylistic “meow” for the eyes.  And, yes, Kia is grabbing my arm and pointing dramatically, because she likes drama, too.