She still needs work on u-turns, and struggles a bit with steeper hills, but she’s fearless when going downhill – full bore, all the way.  And, yeah, hard to keep up with.  Kia’s a little more courteous and will loop in circles without me needing to shout up the road at her, but she’s also been doing this for a while with Arwyn needing more attention.  I made the mistake of thinking that Arwyn was going to need extra assistance this last time because she hadn’t done very much with hills or roads in general, but I neglected to take into account that she’d been practicing on grass, which is considerably harder to peddle on than pavement.

I’m wearing my “Maxim #43” shirt which declares “If it’s stupid and it works, it’s still stupid and you’re lucky.”  Stupid like deciding to run to keep up with the girls.  Yes, it worked, but no, my cardio did NOT appreciate it.  Anyway, Kia’s all a-sparkle with her sequined unicorn, and Arwyn’s keeping cozy with her fuzzy kitty pajama shirt.