((Aaaaand we’re back. Had some technical difficulties that I had to work through (who knew that not updating your software for seven years could cause problems, right?), so now it’s time to catch up. The comics didn’t stop, I just couldn’t post them, so we’ll just pretend that this one was posted on 08/17. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.))

Small victories, right? It was pretty amusing watching Kia run around to find fireflies (in the dark), point them out to Arwyn, and tell her to catch it. Arwyn, for her part, was happy to go along with it, as she loves catching them. Also, I was very happy to make fire. Big fire. Mmmm… fire…

I’m wearing a beautiful, black and white wolf shirt that I got from Parks Ontario, and Stacy’s wearing her Nature’s Prophet shirt (by the artist Sandara). The girls are ready for bed, with Kia wearing her Sleepover Squad PJs, and Arwyn wearing her Moana PJ shirt which we’ve seen around her before, but this time with long pants. That makes it a different outfit; she told me so. Totally different.