Although I tend to be an early riser, I am not what you’d call a morning person – I’m just a light sleeper and, therefore, an easier target for hungry cats.  So, even on weekends, I’m up first, and out to the kitchen first to feed the cats.  Far too often, I am quickly joined by Arwyn, and sometimes Kia.  They take about two minutes from the time their feet hit the floor until their fully awake and into chatterbox mode.  It’s disgusting.  There is no coffee that works fast enough to deal with this crap.

I’m wearing one of my Firefly shirts, which correctly notes that “You are beginning to damage my calm.”  Kia’s in an Elsa nightgown, and is accompanied by her St Patty’s Beanie Baby, while Arwyn’s wearing her Moana PJs, and has a stuffed fox as her pet for the morning.  They change their sleep buddies on a regular basis – especially Arwyn, who doesn’t seem to play favourites at all – so this is just what they decided to go with this particular day.