I really don’t know how the girls get so many tangles in their hair, but they’ve truly got a knack for it.  Stacy’s theory is that the kittens nest on their heads; mine is that they’ve just got a natural gift for making everything more difficult than it needs to be.  Regardless, there are often tears involved in the process of brushing their hair, and frequently giggles, as well.  I have discovered that it makes things go more smoothly if they’re able to do some of the brushing themselves – somehow, it apparently hurts less if they do it – but we don’t always have the time for that.

I’m wearing my Firefly-inspired “Terrifying Space Monkeys” shirt, which describes the girls rather well, I think, and Kia’s Darth Vader head actually breaks down into tiny little TIE fighters down at the bottom.  If you can see that in this picture, we’ll give you a pass on the eye exam.