There’s always that one guy that just has to overachieve and make the rest of us look like we’re slacking, no matter how many lights you put up.  Ever wonder what Clark Griswold could’ve accomplished with LED lights?  Ponder no more; just check out my brother-in-law’s out!  Even the airport is jealous.  You know the song about wearing sunglasses at night?  He’s the reason you need them.  Seriously, though, it’s an impressive display… but does he have a giant Mickey Mouse in a Santa suit?!  No, he does not—and that’s another reason his display is better than mine.  ;P  (The things I do for the girls…)

I’m wearing my Godzilla “ugly sweater” t-shirt (what’s more festive than a radioactive lizard stomping through town?), and Stacy’s got her brand-new “Merry Ottermas” shirt – because otters.  The girls are wearing their new Christmas jumpers, with Minnie and Mickey on Arwyn’s, and Paw Patrol on Kia’s.