Sometimes (actually, way more often than that), random thoughts burst into Kia’s head, and subsequently exit via her mouth.  If there’s any thoughts that stay quietly in her head, I’d be extremely surprised.  Of course, some of these thoughts are “wtf” moments, some are remarkably insightful, and some are adorable.  I personally think that this one falls in that last category, as she was really concerned that someone was going to sell the trees, and take them away.

My shirt says “Come to the Dork Side.  We have π.”  Now let’s see if the pi symbol holds up when I transfer it to my website.  😉  Anyway, Stacy’s wearing her BB8 Star Wars shirt.  I’m in the passenger seat, but the Force is her copilot.  She needs the help.  😀  (Not really, but it’s still funny.)