The 7th Continent is a game that I Kickstarted, which is kind of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, made into a board game, and set in the early 20th century.  It’s a lot of fun to play, though definitely over the girls’ heads, right now.  Even so, Kia obviously understands the “bad ending” for the game, and also knows how to use her flair for the dramatic with perfect timing.  She also appears to know that she’s the star of this particular comic, because she totally hid me.  Yeesh.

I’m wearing a Batman logo, which you can at least kind of see in the first panel.  Stacy’s shirt shares some words of wisdom with us: “Although the voices aren’t real, they have some pretty good ideas.”  Kia’s just showing off the outfit she wore on her first day of school.  She’s diggin’ the button-ups.  Gets it from her mother, obviously.