Our new neighbourhood is a lot more kid-friendly for Halloween (less traffic, more houses doing it, better overall area), so we let them do the more traditional trick-or-treating, rather than the stuff that are sponsored by the city, etc.  Worked out well; the girls had a great time, got to see some of the neighbourhood kids, and got “enough” candy without having a tonne of it.  Oh, and to be perfect honest… the girls didn’t wait for Halloween to start asking about Christmas.  That’s been going on for at least a month.

I’m wearing my “Rock ‘em, Sock ‘em” Terminators shirt, while the girls are in costume, naturally!  Kia’s dressed up as Queen Elsa in her coronation dress (it’s kind of weird seeing her with her hair braided back), while Arwyn is wearing the leopard costume last seen on Kia, way back in #185.  Both, of course, had extra sweatshirts on underneath.  ‘Cause Michigan.