Kia is very emotional and prone to bursting into tears, but that’s just the flipside of being very empathic and caring.  She really is a sweetheart.  She also gets her sense of logic from her mother (ie. she follows a “that was then, this is now” flow).  ;P  And, for the record, I’ve got to be in pretty rough shape to want to take a nap (or try to, at least… I never did fall asleep, though my eyelids was a nice change of view).  Stupid cold.

My shirt says “I didn’t claw my way up the food chain to eat vegetables.”  Why?  Because MEAT, that’s why!  Kia, appropriately, is wearing a Doc McStuffin shirt, so she can properly care for her patient (which would be me).  I’m pretty sure that meat is what the doctor ordered.  😉