Like, lots and lots of presents.  Like bury the kids beneath the presents and they disappear.  And they haven’t even gotten to MY side of the family, yet (that’ll be next weekend, aka Christmas 2 – The Brazeaus Strike Back)!  There was much squeeing and general excitement, a great deal of paper-shredding, and a lot of confusion as to what to play with first, which is to say that both girls had a great time.  🙂  Arwyn had so much fun helping to hand out presents that she would keep taking them away from other people so that she could hand them out again.  Also, just to note, I’ve updated Kia’s hair because it’s seriously gotten that long.

I’m wearing my latest Loot Crate acquisition, the Curiosity Christmas “ugly sweater” style shirt, featuring the Mars rover, the solar system, and other NASA-type stuff (most of which you can’t see, unfortunately).  The rest of the family is keeping it a little more dignified with their Christmas clothes, with simple black for Stacy, and lovely red and black outfits for the girls.