Welcome to Fatherhood!  That’s basically what the world will be saying to me sometime in February of 2012, when my little girl, Kiandra, will be born.  Will I be ready for it?  Not bloody likely, but I’m married to the most wonderful (and patient) woman in the world, so at least I’ve got a prayer of surviving the experience.  A lesser woman would’ve throttled me a long time ago.

At any rate, this little webcomic of mine will act as a chronicle of my <s>impending doom</s>  journey into fatherhood.  Will it continue after the birth?  Hopefully, but I’m not about to make predictions for that.  All I know for sure is that my life is going to be vastly different.  Am I worried?  Try terrified!  And absolutely thrilled.  🙂

My shirt says “I smile because you’ve all finally driven me insane.”  Honestly, I pretty much started out that way.
Her shirt is one of her many purple button-ups.  She’s all about the purple!