Sometimes, it’s the little things that amuse me the most.  My daughter, who is absolutely horrified at the thought of touching a bug, and is generally revolted by anything sticky or, well, slimey… LOVES playing with the slime.  Maybe it’s because it doesn’t actually stick to her, and kind of works likes an oozy version of Play-Doh; I don’t know.  Regardless, even the first time she was presented with it, she was ecstatic.  As demonstrated above.  😉

I’m wearing a Deadpool shirt – and, for once, you can actually see his face, since he’s hanging upside down.  What you can’t see is that he’s shouting “TACOS!”  Because tacos, that’s why.  Anyway, Stacy’s wearing her lavender faerie Mountain shirt, Kia’s sweater has a sequined unicorn (and loops to go over the thumbs, which she thinks is awesome), and Arwyn is wearing a My Little Pony shirt which has wings on the back – not drawn on the back, but actual, floppy wings.  I know y’all are jealous; don’t lie.