My hope is that by the time they’re five, both my girls will be better swimmers than me.  Bear in mind that that isn’t a particularly lofty goal; it just means that they won’t drown in ten feet of water.  ;P  I mean, I can swim (sort of), I’d just do a lot better if I had gills.  😉  Anyway, Kia loves her swim class and we’ll be getting Arwyn back into it soon, so they can be little fishies together.  They go to a place called Goldfish Swim School ( ) and we really like how they do things there, so check them out if you’re thinking of getting your kids into swim classes.

I’ve got a Mountain shirt on, which you probably noticed has a wolf on it.  Don’t worry, he’s not glaring at you – he’s just wondering how many meals he can get out of you.  Stacy’s got her yin-yang cats, which look quite comfy together, and Kia’s wearing her grandma-made nightgown, featuring lots of cupcakes.  It’s the only nightgown she owns, so far, and she really loves wearing it.  It also ties in nicely to her popping around all over, because about the time she needs to get ready for bed, she gets herself all hypered up as she fights her own sleepiness, and can’t sit still for nothing.  It’s a toddler thing.