See?  I’m not the only one that has weird conversations with Kia.  Can’t wait until Arwyn starts talking; that’s going to get wild.  Anyway, Stacy came back with some interesting stories from that little trip, though I have to say that it’s disappointing that Kia doesn’t like pickles.  I blame her mother.  Oh well, more for me!

Stacy’s shirt doesn’t say anything; you have to read it.  Were you to do so, it would read “Although the voices aren’t real, they have some pretty good ideas.”  I’m not so sure about it’s accuracy; I think the voices might actually be real, but they’re just pretending to be imaginary.  Anyway, Kia’s shirt is a lot less crazy, with a couple of owls with speech bubbles filled with hearts.  Isn’t that sweet?  Yes, it is.  Don’t argue or I’ll have the voices come over to have a word with you.