We’re crediting Uncle Corey with getting Arwyn going on the mess-making.  He patted her hands down into her cake and she started smearing it across her head like it was some kind of hair gel.  From there, all I had to do was say “Oh, no!” and put my hands on either side of my face, and she’d copy me every time.  Needless to say, birthday dinner was followed by a birthday bath in her birthday suit!  Kia was very helpful with making the cake, offering to unwrap Arwyn’s presents for her, and trying to showing her sister how to use her new toys.  ;P  Had to keep reminding her that they were for Arwyn.  That… is an ongoing battle.  *le sigh*  Also, Kia can’t sit still without a cartoon show playing in front of her.  😉

I’m celebrating the day in a new (to here) shirt – a magnificent yin yang dragon by amazing artist Ed Beard jr. (http://www.edbeardjr.com/ ) and Stacy’s got a nice, dark blue button-up.  Kia’s shirt has a Dr. Seuss character and says “Future Star at Michigan State” while Kia’s wearing her birthday dress (which, yes, is the same one Kia wore two years ago… what, you thought she wouldn’t get hand-me-downs, especially when it was only worn once?  ;P  ).

Check out the vote for a look at post-cake Arwyn!