Much like her mother, Kia loves to push buttons.  Kia, however, has a very wide interpretation of what constitutes a button.  For the record, my nipples are a frequent target, too.  Of course, when Stacy’s the target, I’m not going to miss out on the fun!  I’m also probably not going to miss out on getting smacked, but y’know what?  Totally worth it!  😉  Oh, and it is ME that she’s calling a bad monkey, in case there was any doubt.  Kia’s just a silly monkey.  ;P

New shirt for me!  Another Nature Force shirt featuring wolves, because they’re awesome.  This one was a gift from my brother, Sir Not Appearing In This Film, and carries their usual slogan “Extinction is forever.”  Stacy showing her Spartan pride and Kia’s showing her robot pride.  It’s a cardboard costume covered with duct tape, which was made by Stacy.  Kia kept putting the box over her head, so Stacy got inspired.  Kia loves it.  😀

Want to see the whole robot costume?  Click the vote link!  Yes, it’s bribery!